How useful is this?

We get quite a few requests for indexes etc. One way is to search our public slides folder.

Further to that, you can even search through our captions like this. Give it a try, it’s incomplete right now, but would you like this available for all captioned courses?

  • Provide GitHub Captions Search
  • Don’t Bother - I Won’t Use It

0 voters

Ooh, a split camp here… keep the votes coming. We actually need such an index internally, and GitHub is as good as anywhere but I’d be interested to hear why you think you wouldn’t use it. Isn’t it handy for finding out where we mentioned something?

You can specify the course to search like this…

You can change the course name in path. Try VR, Unity, Unreal

I know this is not the best place to ask this but, do you still need spanish translators for captions?

It just seems un-nessasary as you can search git hub already and mostly if you paid attention properly in the course you know roughly which lecture its in anyway.
My view is if you cant remember something then you probably need to repeat the section it was in to commit it to memory. I find just looking it up and pasting it in you wont commit it to memory and bypasses the learning.

At least thats with me others may be different as i am a visual learner.

I type it all in by hand too. I find I learn better that way.

Hi Jorge, the experiment was a bit of a failure in terms of interest - despite your fantastic quality captions. I don’t think it’s currently sustainable to translate all captions I’m afraid.

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What I can do is translate in exchange for courses and nothing else. I’m native in both languages.

Thank you, we’ll certainly consider your kind offer. We need to put some more automation in place first, and will reconsider this next year.

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