I spent a lot of time setting up all the parameters for the SuggestProjectileVelocity function only to find that the course omits using the last three params. Here’s what the Unreal docs for the method look like:
static bool SuggestProjectileVelocity
const UObject * WorldContextObject,
FVector & TossVelocity,
FVector StartLocation,
FVector EndLocation,
float TossSpeed,
bool bHighArc,
float CollisionRadius,
float OverrideGravityZ,
ESuggestProjVelocityTraceOption::Type TraceOption,
const FCollisionResponseParams & ResponseParam,
const TArray< AActor * > & ActorsToIgnore,
bool bDrawDebug
Is there some way to tell from the docs that ResponseParam, ActorsToIgnore, and bDrawDebug were optional?