How to solve these error in ue 4.26?

Hey man … i using ue 4.26 and i solved like these tuto.But these error , i can’t sovle.Please help me.Thanks … <i think that is cause of .json error ?? >

Just to be sure, you replaced "command": " with "command": "\"\". If yes see if it is changed.

I tried …man ; “command”: “”" and defines codes put into each their related files but still error!

You only needed to change it in BullCowGame and in UE4. After you changed it try reopening vscode and see if it works.

I want to crying…in this morning, open vscode and these error are stilling.But i solved like
VSCode Intellisense Bug (6:39)

From the looks of it it’s having trouble parsing the path to the compileCommands.json due to the path of your project. I’d suggest you try move your project to a place with a shorter name and no special characters e.g.

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