How to set different volume in different scenes but still play the same song?

I’m thinking that I want the music in-game to be 100%, and the music in the Title/Menu/Game Over screen to be about 60% (kind of like how Super Mario World drops out instruments when you pause).

I’m stumped on how to do this. Here’s my logic so far:

If Scene = “Game”, then MusicPlayerVolume = 1
else if MusicPlayerVolume = .5

To clarify, I would like the music track to keep playing without interruption. The volume will decrease for the Title scene and Game Over scene.

What I’ve done is use a modified singleton on the music player. So you keep the same music player/audiosource, but before destroying the new audiosource, you set the current audio source volume to the audisource volume on the new level. Make sense?

public class BackgroundMusic : MonoBehaviour
    AudioSource audioSource;

    void Start()
        audioSource = GetComponent<AudioSource>();

    void SetupSingleton()
        var players = FindObjectsOfType<BackgroundMusic>();
        if (players.Length > 1)
            // Because FindObjectsOfType doesn't return the objects in specific
            // order, this bit of code will determine which player is the new one
            // and which player is the old one
            BackgroundMusic existingPlayer;
            if (players[0].GetComponent<BackgroundMusic>().gameObject == this)
                existingPlayer = players[1];
            } else
                existingPlayer = players[0];
            existingPlayer.GetComponent<AudioSource>().volume = this.audioSource.volume;

You can also modfiy this method to change the track between levels while keeping the AudioSource throughout. Let me know if you want that bit of code added in.

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Thanks for this work so far!

I’m messing around with it and I got this error: (below the line BackgroundMusic existingPlayer; )

Assets\Scripts\BackgroundMusic.cs(24,28): error CS1061: ‘BackgroundMusic’ does not contain a definition for ‘GetBackgroundMusic’ and no accessible extension method ‘GetBackgroundMusic’ accepting a first argument of type ‘BackgroundMusic’ could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)


Could you please share the line to which the error message is referring? And is there a public GetBackgroundMusic in the BackgroundMusic class?

Ah yes, sorry I implemented that method in the player class. So you can go into the player class and cache the reference to the music player. Or you can replace the line (line 24?) with this code

if (players[0].GetComponent<BackgroundMusic>().gameObject == this)

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