Hi, nice of you reading this post.
I just got an unexpected problem. I select a lot of windows in Object Mode and then I mistakenly selects a floor pad or something. No problem, I think, just deselect it by holding shift at click at it bu no! That will instead select the next object behind the one I wish to deselect.
But no problem I google it and it will be solved in a minute. 30 minutes later I find this:
"Point Selection
To deselect an active object, click Shift-RMB one time and hence, two clicks if the object is not active. Note that this only works if there are no other objects under the mouse. Otherwise it just adds those to the selection. There appears to be no workaround for this bug."
Any one that knows if this is true or if there is a simple way around it. Right know the best I can do is to use the box-select method and press middle mouse button. But even that is a bit to complicated when you need to do it quite often. I just want to be able to press and deselect.