How to make the grid work with slopes?

Does anyone have an idea on how to make the movement work with slopes/ramps? Thanks!

That’s a good question.

I would start with the idea that a slope tile has three heights, all of which are automatically calculated based on their walkable neighbors, and that a slope should always have obstacles on the sides.

float topHeight;
float bottomHeight;
float midpointHeight => (topHeight - bottomHeight)/2;

Calculating the topHeight and bottomHeight depends on the neighbors, so you’ll need to find the neighbor cells that represent the top and bottom.

Unfortunately, I think our multi-floor setup may not work well for this. I’m actually working on a completely different way of doing tiles with variable heights instead of multi-floors. The end result is more like a terrain than our array of floors, where each GridPosition has x, z, and stepHeight. My original plan was that each character has a limit to how many steps he can jump, but slopes may be a better way to treat this.

That’s what I have for now… I’ll see what I come up with.

This is excellent, I’ve been trying to get the ability to go up stairs onto platforms, not even for height advantage, but just visually looks good to have some up and down but i was struggling on how to begin on it and how to start.

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