How to make character move backwards?

Hi, so, I am trying to make a 3D character controller, where if I press down (using the new input system) the player runs backwards, but with the current code I wrote, the player just completely flips around and faces the opposite direction? How do I fix this? Do I need to re-write everything? Here is a video of how it looks.

Here is the current code I wrote:

public class ThirdPersonController : MonoBehaviour


//Input Fields

private ThirdPersonActionsAsset playerActionAsset;

private InputAction move;

//Movement Fields


private Rigidbody rigbod;



[SerializeField] private float movementForce;

[SerializeField] private float jumpForce;

[SerializeField]private float maxSpeed;



private Vector3 forceDirection =;


[SerializeField] private Camera playerCamera;


private Animator animator;

private void Awake()


    rigbod = this.GetComponent<Rigidbody>();

    playerActionAsset = new ThirdPersonActionsAsset();

    animator = this.GetComponent<Animator>();    


private void OnEnable()


    playerActionAsset.Player.Attack.started += DoAttack;

    move = playerActionAsset.Player.Move;



private void OnDisable()


    playerActionAsset.Player.Attack.started -= DoAttack;



private void FixedUpdate()


    forceDirection += move.ReadValue<Vector2>().x * GetCameraRight(playerCamera) * movementForce;

    forceDirection += move.ReadValue<Vector2>().y * GetCameraForward(playerCamera) * movementForce;

    rigbod.AddForce(forceDirection, ForceMode.Impulse);

    forceDirection =;



private void LookAt()


    Vector3 direction = rigbod.velocity;

    direction.y = 0f;

    if (move.ReadValue<Vector2>().sqrMagnitude > 0.1f && direction.sqrMagnitude > 0.1f)


        this.rigbod.rotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(direction, Vector3.up);




        rigbod.angularVelocity =;



private Vector3 GetCameraForward(Camera playerCamera)


    Vector3 forward = playerCamera.transform.forward;

    forward.y = 0;

    return forward.normalized;


private Vector3 GetCameraRight(Camera playerCamera)


    Vector3 right = playerCamera.transform.right;

    right.y = 0;

    return right.normalized;


    private void DoAttack(InputAction.CallbackContext context)




private bool IsGrounded()


    Ray ray = new Ray(this.transform.position + Vector3.up * 0.25f, Vector3.down);

    if (Physics.Raycast(ray, out RaycastHit hit, 0.3f))

    return true;


    return false;



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I think I see what’s going on here, you are adding movement force in the same direction as the camera forward vector causing the player to flip when going backwards, here is how I would approach this:

Make a bool(preferably private) that keeps track of whether the player is moving forward or backwards:

private bool isMovingForward = true;

Simple enough, then in your FixedUpdate() method you want to change the force direction to include the backwards movement:

float moveX = move.ReadValue<Vector2>().x;
float moveY = move.ReadValue<Vector2>().y;

// Check if the player is moving forward or backward
if (moveY < 0)
    moveX *= -1; // Reverse the horizontal movement when moving backward
    isMovingForward = false;
    isMovingForward = true;

forceDirection += moveX * GetCameraRight(playerCamera) * movementForce;
forceDirection += moveY * GetCameraForward(playerCamera) * movementForce;

Now you would need to change the LookAt() method to only rotate when the player is moving forward:

private void LookAt()
    Vector3 direction = rigbod.velocity;
    direction.y = 0f;

    if (isMovingForward && move.ReadValue<Vector2>().sqrMagnitude > 0.1f && direction.sqrMagnitude > 0.1f)
        this.rigbod.rotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(direction, Vector3.up);
        rigbod.angularVelocity =;

After these changes are made your player should move backwards without flipping around, hopefully.

Hope this helps!

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BROOOOOOOOOO! THANK YOU SOOOOOOO MUCH! I tried everything else, yet the solution was way simpler than I thought, I tried if checks to check if y < 0 then addForce, etc, lol, but your solution worked perfectly, thank you so much for the lesson bro :slight_smile:

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We all make mistakes sometimes, glad I could help you out!

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