How to make a "james bond" opening ("tutorial"?)

Marc, aka “Irresistible Jelly”, asked how one would make a border reminiscent of the opening to a James Bond movie, here’s my solution.

too lazy to make these as steps

Before you start making/attaching the border, set your camera to be at a rotation of 90 degrees on the x-axis, 0 on the y-axis, and 0 on the z-axis.

Set the 3d cursor to the camera by pressing “Shift+S” and clicking “cursor to selection”.

Step 1.

Create a cylinder, and before you click anything else, go to your toolbar (opens by pressing “T”) and rotate it by exactly 90 degrees on the x-axis.


Step 2.

Enter Edit mode (“TAB”).

Step 3.

Remove the “caps” of the cylinder, by selecting them both and pressing “X”.


Step 4.

Shrink and/or Twist one of the ends (select all of the edges by ALT clicking), so that it looks like a rifle barrel.


Step 5.

Exit edit mode, then select your cylinder, next the camera, and press “Ctrl+P” to parent your border to the camera.



You can now make your own bond film.

(well, maybe it’s not THAT good.)

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