How to go round a small amount of numbers and how to variable this best?

I am making a card game called Kugelblitz and with it right now I am making the winning goal with six sets of numbers matching a pattern but not specific numbers and the cards to not have to fit a certain set. . I am wondering if you can make a vriable if statement that can fit this well: this is an example for one.

using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;

public class ColorHarmony : MonoBehaviour {

    [Range(1, 6)]
    [SerializeField] int firstNumber = 1;
    [Range(1, 6)]
    [SerializeField] int secondNumber = 1;
    [Range(1, 6)]
    [SerializeField] int thirdNumber = 1;
    [Range(1, 6)]
    [SerializeField] int forthNumber = 1;
    [Range(1, 6)]
    [SerializeField] int fifthNumber = 1;
    [Range(1, 6)]
    [SerializeField] int sixthNumber = 1;

	void Update () {

    void NumberLimiter() {
        if (firstNumber <= 0) {
            firstNumber = firstNumber + 6;
        else if (firstNumber >= 7) {
            firstNumber = firstNumber - 6;
        else {

    void MatchingNumbers() {
        /*first to sixthNumber can replace any of these numbers*/
        if (firstNumber == i && secondNumber == i && thirdNumber == i && 
            forthNumber == i + 1 && fifthNumber == i + 3 && sixthNumber == i + 5) {
            Debug.Log("You Win!");

And this is an example of what I started doing but there is a lot of repitition and if one thing is wrong than my code will break.

   /*This version will just go through all hard number sets of if statements instead of one that will
     *can do it all on its own.*/
    void MatchingNumbers() {
        if (firstNumber == 1 && secondNumber == 1 && thirdNumber == 1 &&
            forthNumber == 2 && fifthNumber == 4 && sixthNumber == 6) {
            Debug.Log("You Win!");
        else if (firstNumber == 2 && secondNumber == 2 && thirdNumber == 2 &&
            forthNumber == 3 && fifthNumber == 5 && sixthNumber == 1) {
            Debug.Log("You Win!");

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