Does anyone know how to fix this? I know that you have to #include some file, but I don’t know which one.
You need to include the types you are accessing members off of. What type does GetWorld return?
There is a GetWorld() error that still compiles and builds fine. Just like when you use it in a reply here, it still works with the underline (even though its spelling error typed here =) This type of problem will happen rarely in code and can be ignored. It also prevents seeing into it which isn’t fun and so you would need to try to fix it (I didn’t see a way to do so briefly trying as this is the problem VS has with me) or using the UE documentation via browser, or browse the class code if that works.
But, if you have errors on build, etc then you have a code problem as DanM suggested.
Quick edit for clarification… GetWorld() itself can use #include “Engine/World.h” and each additional function called will require its own header so if you call say 4 functions then you may have added 4 #include’s.
GetWorld should be GetWorld() with the brackets
…Also that, good eye
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