How to export button prefab from unity

I purchased a UI asset from the Unity Asset Store, which includes buttons and icons organized as prefabs. I would like to extract these elements as images to edit them in Photoshop. How can I accomplish this?

A prefab is nothing but a file containing instructions how to construct a GameObject from assets in your assets folder. If you look at the image components within the prefab, they should have a link to the underlying graphics asset. Clicking on the name of the asset itself within the image component (as opposed to the selection circle) should navigate you to the directory with the sprite or texture asset itself.

From there, assuming you have Photoshop installed on the same machine and it’s your registered image Editor within Windows, you should be able to double click on the asset itself and Photoshop will open with the file ready to edit.

I strongly recommend that once you edit an asset, rather than saving or exporting it directly back to the original asset, within Photoshop you export the asset to a new image inside the same directory. This lets you have your edited asset which you can re-assign to your UI prefabs and still have the original asset intact for future use/editing.

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