So, in this lesson, Rick had us set up a singleton to have the music play across all the scenes without restarting.
What I want to do is have the music on the Start Menu be different from music on the other two scenes (Game and Game Over).
I thought by not having the MusicPlayer script attached to the Start Menu scene’s Music Player object would be enough to work the way I want. But then I found out since the Music Player isn’t deleting on load from the other scene, it just overlays both tracks together on the Start Menu when you return from the Game Over scene.
So, I was hoping there might be a way to say if the current scene is Start Menu then destroy the previous MusicPlayer game object rather than the one attached to the scene on load.
Not sure if that makes any sense. I’m really new to all this and not really sure the proper way of wording things but any help would be greatly appreciated!