I built my own player ship model in Unity, not the prettiest but I like it! This means that the Mesh Renderer components are on each of the individual 3d objects I built it from, rather than there being only one Mesh Renderer for the whole prefab. Thankfully I added a single Box Collider so that is working as intended in the lesson.
How would I disable the Mesh Renderer for all the components of my Prefab?
Or if that’s the wrong approach, how would I go about combining the renderers so there is only one for the whole model? I assume I’d need an actual texture for the whole ship model for this rather than using the Mesh Renderer to give the components colours, so I hope the first approach is workable.
I also tried using Destroy(gameObject) but that just made the ship disappear without restarting the level, presumably because the gameObject with the script attached had been destroyed before the command to restart the level was executed.