How to clear out persistent data from a ShareMyGame upload?

I have an uploaded game on that uses some persistent data (i.e. it writes to and reads from a file it creates itself in the persistent data directory). Although I have a key binding to delete this file, when I reload my browser page it seems to start from an image that still contains this data.

How can I get the site to give me a fresh image/container/whatever each time I run the game?


I don’t know what exactly you did to read from a file but maybe the previous data is still in your browser cache. Please feel free to ask our helpful community of students for advice over on our Discord chat server.

Hi @Nina, thanks for the pointer to Discord, I will ask over there.

Just to clarify my application is saving a checkpoint data file in Application.persistentDataPath, then later reading it, and then even later deleting it, but when I restart the game (by refreshing my browser window) it finds an existing checkpoint data file (that shouldn’t be there in a fresh “run”) and loading that. It’s basically the SavingSystem developed for the Unity RPG course.

Looks like it is a browser-side issue - by clearing out all browsing data for the site I was able to get the game to start fresh. Thanks for the hint!

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