Hello CG-Tespy,
As a fellow Autistic person I can understand some of the awkwardness and social anxiety that comes with making first contact with anyone, let alone an industry professional!
This is a really tough subject to talk about because just straight up approaching someone and demanding the use of their (often well-paid) time for what is normally expected as free can be considered rude. There’s a great writeup/rant on why that is, even if it’s in the context of screenwriting.
If I had to approach someone today to ask for any feedback that I didn’t have any prior rapport with? I would simply ask if they had the time to provide any mentorship on my portfolio. And if they declined then I would kindly thank them for the response and get on with my day. No response at all is considered a decline with no need to provide a follow-up response.
When I look at your message, it all kinda comes around as if to doubt the abilities of the individual you’re sending it to. “You must know what you’re doing” and “I’d like input from a pro” contribute to this sentiment and line of thinking. In any form of communication, you need to keep in mind who your target audience is, which is the industry professional who clearly does know what they’re doing and are a pro. Otherwise they wouldn’t be in the position they are now.
None of this is an attempt to discourage you from pursuing this but is instead a setting of expectations and giving input on your approach. What might serve you better is to find communities (including ours!) that are willing to let members show off their work and receive feedback for it. If I knew a little more about what it is you want to do I may be able to direct you to such spaces.