How to apply skin file? Is there a way?


I just wondered if there is a way to put a “skin” file on a model in blender in some way… I mean those files:

I played around a bit with uv mapping and things like that but it’s messy - how would you approach that?

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You need to have a matching mesh object(s). Were the UV-map matches the bitmap? Seeing just a bitmap doesn’t give you the info on how the mesh is done. Then is a bit of a guessing game. Lokes like a cube with arms and legs. Meaning use a cube, unwrap, and mesh unwrap, etc…

So have an object, create a good UV map, and from that point on start painting.
Then the bitmap matches the UV-Map.

I’m not sure which course you are following, or at which point you are.
Maybe it’s best to follow the course you are on.

thanks for you reply!
No it’s not an actual course - it’s a project i work on and where i try to apply some cc0 skins - it’s my “life after the course” where i try to work with real-life things.
I hope it was ok to ask here in the community?

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No problem!
Don’t you have access to the illustration of the skin bitmap?
And try to recreate it. Could be a nice study project!
The skin isn’t that difficult to create, but based on your 3D model unwrap.

I can only assume it is a template for some specific game character? That has some system where you can change the look?

You need the original mesh it fits.
It is so simple it hardly seems worth the trouble of using a ready make ‘skin’, in Blender at least. Just model your own cubic character and use your own UVs.

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