I can animate a cube so that from frame 1 to frame 100 it moves along the y axis.
Doing so creates an action, by default named CubeAction visible in the outliner, nested under Cube.
What would I do if I want the top face of the cube to be scaled down at frame 100?
Is there any way of keyframing that? I guess it would mean keyframing Cube’s Object Data Properties, represented in the outliner by the green triangle. I can’t see a way of doing that.
In contrast, considering a similar problem with a light, it’s possible to keyframe both location and the Color.
Looking at the outliner, 2 actions seem to be created, LightAction nested under Light and LightAction.001 nested under Light>Light, which I’m guessing from the icon’s green colour indicates that LightAction.001 applies to the Object Data Properties.
Generating an animation of the light changing both position and colour confirms that it works as expected.
Returning to the cube animation, is it possible to keyframe changes to the mesh, such as scaling down the top face?