How to add a looting window

Adding an option to store inventory items in another game object , apart from the player inventory?.

I would start with this post: Making Inventory Containers (Banks, NPC loots, Treasure Chests)

It walks you through the changes needed to make a World of Warcraft style bank within your scene, but it can also be applied to a looting window… the enemy itself, for example, could be a lootable source by making the mentioned IRayCastable disabled until the enemy dies.

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Thanks, do you have forms or ways to add items into the loot window?

May you give me some ideas on how to add items into an inventory.

Take a look at Inventory.cs and the AddToFirstEmptySlot() method.

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/// <summary>
        /// Attempt to add the items to the first available slot.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="item">The item to add.</param>
        /// <param name="number">The number to add.</param>
        /// <returns>Whether or not the item could be added.</returns>
        public bool AddToFirstEmptySlot(InventoryItem item, int number)
            int i = FindSlot(item);

            if (i < 0)
                return false;

            slots[i].item = item;
            slots[i].number += number;
            if (inventoryUpdated != null)
            return true;

But how I know the exact item. I want to put. Sorry if it’s a dumb question,

You already have a RandomItemDropper method. The RandomItemDropper should get a reference to the enemy’s inventory (you’ll have to add an inventory to the enemy). Instead of calling DropItem(), call inventory.AddToFirstEmptySlot() instead.

Thank you very much, will try it.

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