How much Blueprints are used in the real world

I am currently at the last section of the UE4 C++ course and all of the AI stuff is done in Blueprint. This led me to the question of how much Blueprint is used in the real world? In bigger projects?
I do get that hobbyists and small developers use blueprints a lot since it is just very comfortable, fast to write and an easy to debug way of writing game logic. It also gives the benefit of dragging classes around and renaming stuff on the fly. The C++ integration in UE4, on the other hand, is slow, uncomfortable to restructure and refactor and every small change costs 5 mins of compiling. Even though I highly prefer written code over blueprints, since it is faster, easier to read and simply clearer, I do get why many people use blueprints.
Anyway, my question is, does anyone know how much blueprints are used in enterprise projects and if so for which tasks they use it? I mean everything written in blueprint is spending more resources on a task than it would’ve needed if the same logic was written in C++. This means leaving out lower-end devices, which is a potential money loss. On the other hand, compiling every small code change for an eternity leads to longer development cycles.

They are used a lot for exactly the reasons you mentioned: they are fast to prototype and powerful. It tends to be the case that functionality gets written in Blueprint first then solidified into C++ if it’s very important and the programmers want to keep control of it.

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Thanks for the insight :slight_smile:

I have just started this course and don’t work in the game industry so I cannot say for sure. However I am a software engineer and I too prefer to write code as I find myself most productive when using the keyboard and not having to touch the mouse, which is why I spent many years learning VI/VIM. I would suggest trying to replicate the blueprints in C++, I know I will when I get there.

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For projects involving multiple people, it can help to separate out functionality from config. Having some of the logic in blueprint allows parts of the team who isn’t great at c++ to still help.

I think that’s a common complaint. I think Epic are trying to come up with a scripting language as a go between.

Yes they are! Here is a reddit discussion regarding that topic, where Tim Sweeney himself gives some insight on their thoughts about it.

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