How isn't gun we attached to the WeaponSocket hiding?

@sampattuzzi Hi Sam. I have a tiny question. We hide the weapon_r which is the parent of our WeaponSocket. Although we hide the parent object weapon_r, how is it that the mesh we include in WeaponSocket is not hidden?
(P.S : i even tried by moving GetMesh()->HideBoneByName(TEXT(“weapon_r”),EPhysBodyOp::PBO_None); after the line of AttachToComponent but gun was still visible)

It hides the bone it doesn’t make the weapon that is attached hidden. Think of it this way, if you were to put a hat on someone who could turn invisible, if they turn invisible that wouldn’t hide the hat as well.

(…unless they could also hide things other than themselves)


@DanM Dan thank you for answer you are actually valuable like gold here :slight_smile: Thank you.

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