How is Mike changing the size of proportional editing?

Hmm, so it appears it works with keyboard combos, but not mouse+keyboard combos… I wonder why. (you can only choose mouse function or keyboard function; bad program design/flaw)

WAIT, this triggers a work-around idea. We can make a keyboard only hotkey for within blender, (instead of middle mouse), then have our mouse button mapped externally to this keyboard shortcut; nice noticing this!

You would still have to hold the button, it would be nice if blender had an option to toggle the command on and off instead of holding the button. (or if the mouse/keyboard software had a toggle mode; there may be a different program to cause holding of the key or otherwise a turbo-mode on the key)

Well I will have to unbind my macros to test this since im out of buttons, lets see…

Brilliant! What a relief this is!

Just ensure you have your mapping set to view3d.move, not image.move, or ect.
Here is a screenshot of my blender config (left monitor), and my mouse config (right monitor)

I have it set so I can also zoom in and out using button 5, instead of holding control on my keyboard.

A way to make these buttons toggle would be even more convenient (i mean, who the hell likes holding the crouch and sights button in a video game!). But this is still superior to the traditional blender layout of using the modifier buttons, as intended.

My top button(7) still has a macro to hold down middle mouse, since Pressing middle mouse or button 6 will untoggle it.

Having the side buttons toggle this on and off with the same button would be superbly ideal, so I will probably look to find a way to do this later on.

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Excellent work :slight_smile: If you can keep posting what you find (its got late here so i had to stop with kids being in bed)
as i imagine this will help others a great deal and be a useful reference thread for the future too!

Slightly annoying that you dont have the ability to cross combo i wonder if i can contact razer with a view to this or if theres a way to do it!

Better yet I like this layout even better:.

I changed my top button 6 to zoom in and out, that way I can use my side button to rotate/orbit the camera, and also pan.

(holding middle mouse hurts my strained finger, remember :wink: )

Then i can still toggle and untoggle zoom with the macro, so this is the best layout for a 7 button mouse.
(although, a better toggle option is still needed, for all keys)

Edit: I changed it again :laughing:: it might be easier to press button 5, or more control when rotating for that matter. But i think it may only apply when sitting up. For that matter, when I want to use only the mouse is often when slouched over or otherwise when left hand is not near keyboard, so it is hard to tell for sure.

I also changed button 6 to full stop, because its MUCH easier then pressing numpad ‘.’ every time

Still takes a little time to break the old habits; I think other common tools like extrude and move would be good to become used to on a mouse, if you have enough buttons. But ultimately, it was just a little silly holding the shift button down to modify a mouse button, thus the reason for posting all this.

Edit again: I changed middle mouse button to extrude to break the habit; oh yeah, I’m a badass :sunglasses: Actually I still have to use the keyboard to tell it what axis to extrude most the time lol - I need to get back to the lectures before i end up buying a 20-button mouse :rofl: -

lol then i can have a mouse key for front and top and ortho view and also xyz keys, then 4 buttons for camera, if i leave right click alone, it would leave 9 buttons for blender functions such as grab, extrude, inset, scale, rotate, edit/object mode toggle, duplicate, merge, selection brush, proportional editing, loop cut, ring select. Thats 12 right there so i’d already have to drop some. (Although there’s a switch on that mouse to modify button functionality similar to holding ctrl or shift, which might be useful if memorized)

You can have differnt mouse profiles so I could select a differnt one when in unreal engine, OR have several mouses plugged in, one for Blender, one for Unreal, and one for casual/ photoshop/ flstudio/ after effects/ audacity/ ect., ect.

Yes this this a litte odd, but its nice we found a workaround. An ability to trigger a turbo would make-up for blender’s picky input preferences.
That way the button would continuously be pressed until disabled.
Software from manufacturers for this sort of thing would be great, but I bet there is other software to do this to, if not with macro software being the solution, or one of them.

Writing to blender team to have a toggle ability and the ability to customize the modifier key, instead of it being hard-wired only, would be great! (especially since it pretends you can change it when you can’t, but why!?)

There might be a way to override this in python, although this stuff should be pretty basic. I’m not sure what the customization is like in other 3d programs though, as i’ve only stuck with program defaults until now.

another thing that’s needed is the ability to use Walk/FPS cam mode for editing.

I downloaded an FPS plugin for maya some years ago, it was great! (wasn’t for 3ds max tho which sucked)

Blender ALMOST has this ability hard coded, except for some unknown reason, you cant edit with it!
(without pressing like 50 keys every time to change view and accept view, not gonna work.)

To be fair rotating around the selection helps tho. Not sure if you can do this in 3ds max , because they taught us literally nothing in my modeling class at college! (and yet the only assignment was to model&rig a full human torso, the hardest thing in modeling! ; at least if you make it anatomically correct like i attempted to do)

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