How I would do it

You did mention the unfortunate thing about having “FindObjectOfType”, which is fine to have in certain cases (if used very sparcely and if you KNOW that it does exist).

I make my GameManager (Singleton) hold a Observer on Character (MonoBehaviour) and bind every ui component to it. In your case, it would be something like this in the end:

> public class PlayerUI : MonoBehaviour 
> {
>     [SerializeField] GunUI gunUI;
>     private Character _character; // This is a weird example on when to use it.
>     Awake() => GameManager.Instance.OnCharacterAssigned(CharacterAssigned);
>     private void CharacterAssigned(Character character) => _character = character;
>     public void RedrawUI() => gunUI.RedrawUI(_character.gun);
> }

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