How excited are you about this?

This week I have a brief project to create some business content before getting into improving Unreal, then the RPG in the New Year.

Take a quick look at this outline of the first two-sections and let me know how excited you are about it from the little you can see.

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Thanks guys, any specific feedback appreciated. For example is it pretty clear what you may learn here?

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I like the framework of getting your head i the right place from the outset and learning from whats gone before.

Its nice to see failure and fear being brought into view and discussed as it can be a tricky one to overcome.

theres one thing I heard and its stuck with meā€¦
Its not the failure that stops you from trying, its the fear of failure.

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I think that it is a important issue to be addressed, thumbs up!

To be honest, Iā€™m not sure on starting/running businesses at all so canā€™t say. Focusing on failure at the start does look a good idea though as fear of failure stops many people from getting on the starter blocks in the first place.

With no offense intended whatsoever, the information is too limited to make me terribly excited. My first reaction isā€¦I am not seeing anything different in the outline than I havenā€™t seen in the past in relationship to other seminars/short courses on starting a business offered elsewhere, I do like specifically the section on How to Handle Failure.

I really like the ā€œStare THE FEAR Downā€.

Personally I have times where ā€˜the fearā€™ seems overwhelming, and other days when Iā€™m ā€œat the other end of the tunnelā€ I realize it was all in my head. I think certain ā€˜mindā€™ methods with dealing with fear and thinking about failures etc can be really helpful!

I see there are many exercises. That is good also. (I do not have any experience in starting a business so my feedback is limited in that regard).

Hope that helps,


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Presuming this relates to gamedev businesses, the most pressing issue for me is balancing my gamedev with a full time career. With a mortgage, 2 kids, a wife and a dog, quitting to do gamedev full time is not an exercise in determination or motivation, itā€™s a matter of practicality.

Iā€™m not sure if this is something you want to cover, but Iā€™m sure Iā€™m not the only one facing it.

In case itā€™s helpful, I have found a lot of inspiration at , particularly the way he is transparent about his monthly reports. I feel that would be great for me, if I could ever find the time to do itā€¦


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Thank you so much everyone for the feedback. Currently this is a trial course with a different platform called cofounders lab. If teaching self-development content it proves successful there, I will look at creating in the specific content next year

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