How does your Triple X game start?

poorly. i have spotted that my setting.json file had some extra lines . i don’ t know why . or where from

i cannot get “hello world” to work.
the error is:- warning C4530: C++ exception handler used, but unwind semantics are not enabled. Specify /EHsc please advise.

hello world works but i get the error message.

I had this problem as well. I’m not sure this is 100% correct, but I found a solution that made it worked for me.

Typing /EHsc after the normal line allowed me to to compile the program. So it reads:

cl triplex.cpp /EHsc


thanks, tried it already now i get this instead:
LINK : fatal error LNK1181: cannot open input file ‘tripplex.cpp\EHsc.obj’

the program works though

“Just one more gig”
“One more gig before you can leave this town for good”
“All you have to do, is call on someone from the crowd and guess the number their thinking of”;
“You’re a bit of a telepath, so you’ll get hints on what the number is,”;
“But here’s the catch”;
“The smarter the person, the harder the hints”;

Thought I’d be fun if the story was about a telepath who has to interact with different people.

When I try to compile, it opens up visual studio and nothing is run in the terminal. Why does it open up VS instead of compiling in VSC?


c:\C++ Coursework>triplex
Oh, no! You got busted by the Lucky Sevens Casino guards counting cards in Blackjack!
The Casino owner is going to send you to sleep with the fishes unless you can guess HIS lucky numbers!
c:\C++ Coursework>

I’m having WAY too much fun with this!!!

I’ve just translated your exaple… But seeing all the ideas here, I’ll probably change it soon :slight_smile:

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

int main() 
    cout<<"\n\n\nJesteś tajnym agentem, próbującym włamać się do zabezpieczonej serwerowni...";
    cout<<"\n\nWprowadź właściwy kod, aby kontynuować...\n\n\n";
    return 0;

when you want to compile type this:

cl triplex.cpp

even if you get the error, it still created an obj file and exe

next type the name of the project to run the exe


at least this is what i understood with my error

My game will start by saying:
A squad of bombers is making it’s way to America to bomb San Francisco.
You, as a Sergeant of the American Army, must activate the AAA guns with the correct codes in order to stop it.


My starting story… basic but I’m happy with it.

I have a problem with the #include . I followed the ‘note to windows users’ but still the #include is not recognized. The error I receive is as follows:

Thanks in advance

You probably didn’t read the ‘A note to Windows users’.
But the answer to fix this is:

  1. Open where you saved the TripleX folder via File > Open Folder.

  2. Open Command Pallette (CTRL + SHIFT + P) and type edit, when you see Edit Configurations click it.

  3. From here you will see Compiler path, under this ther is this type bar. But don’t type anything yet.

  4. Go to Developer Command prompt. Open it and type ‘where cl’. Now copy paste what it outputs and paste it in the Compiler path type bar.

Now it should work, but if it didn’t work. Then you should probably
read ‘A note to Windows users’.

I have read 'a note to windows users, that is what I said in my query. I have read it followed the instructions and yet I am still running into the error. I even ran the ‘where cl’ command in the VS cmd to double check I had the address right for the compiler library. So…

I’ve done all the note to windows stuff


I had the same error. I solved it by placing a space before /EHsc.

cl triplex.cpp /EHsc


cl triplex.cpp/EHsc

Pretty basic, not too much changed from the original prompt.

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