How does one set-up player collision to move against walls?

Hey there!

Loving the course, but I have a question in regards to wall collision and player movement. How does one set-up player collision to allow for sliding against the wall? Currently our Collison capsule and sweeping method is set-up so any attempt at moving against walls is blocked by the collider. Would love to find a solution to this, even a video tutorial that goes more in-depth into advance collision detection would be Awesome!

To be clear, you want the player to slide along the wall when running into it?

Yes! currently player becomes stuck when trying to move against wall. What you said is what i am referring too.

Would you mind showing what your collision capsule looks like?

Just using a simple Capsule Component as my collider, with Collision Presets: BlockAllDynamic. When i try to go against the wall at an angle, the collider detects collision an stops my pawn from moving.

Does it still get stuck if you make the capsule bigger?

yes it does! the collider is working as intended by not allowing my pawn to slip passed the walls but it stops pawn movement when angled into it and moving. I just want to be able to set up the collider so I am able to move angle into the wall and still have forward movement without the collider stopping the pawn.

I think you would have to move to a physics based solution in that case.

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