How do you get the material blueprint as shown in Lecture 99?

Within the first 2 minutes of lecture 99 (Transforming material textures), the lecturer opens up one material and doesn’t get blueprint. Then he opens another and gets a blueprint which he uses. My materials don’t open up blueprints so I can’t follow the lecture.
Could someone please explain the condition that determines whether or not you get a blueprint when clicking on a material and how to get the blueprint if a blueprint doesn’t automatically open after clicking on the material? Are there different categories of materials? If so, how can we see the relevant category and convert the material that doesn’t get a blueprint into one that does?

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I have watched the video long time ago but what I remember is
and I might be wrong or right :

we have texture that is the color

when we put the texture on any object we will have material
we can also create material instances when we click right click on the material

I think some of them you can open in BP and some not you need to try by yourself

Zyad, thanks for the reply. My Material instances don’t have the BP and I don’t know why or how to fix it. The distinction should have been included in the video. I watched the video even though I couldn’t follow along and that entire video is confusing. Apparently, it’s all about TexCoord but TexCoord was used but not explained. And when others asked what the heck was going on, the reply was a link to a confusing UE4 document. (If I could understand UE4 by just reading the UE documents, I wouldn’t be taking Udemy classes.) So, I’m just categorizing this one episode as a massive “fail” and hope that I can just skip over it.
I’m also hoping that Udemy sees the problem and re-records this episode to fix its shortcomings.

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What do you mean by that last part “doesn’t get blueprint”? (btw that is the material editor, there are no blueprints in the lecture to my recollection). Could you show use a timestamp in the lecture along with what you’re getting instead?

No, however there are materials and material instances which saves on recompiling a material just to change a parameter (e.g. colour of a part of the texture)

Instanced Materials | Unreal Engine Documentation

It was just to go over (perhaps poorly) how you can do tiling, materials are kind of out of scope of the course and so don’t come up again. If you do wish to learn more about TextCoord then this video does a pretty decent job IMO

UE4: Understanding the TexCoord - YouTube

I’m referring to the material editor (which looks like a blueprint to me) at around the 1:40 mark.
I’m sorry. I misunderstood your reply. I thought you were defending the clarity of the video. I will definitely check out the link you provided. Thank you.
Learning something for the first time is different from watching a lesson that you already understand. The first time you learn something, you’re trying to put the pieces together but when you watch a video after you already know it, you’re looking for accuracy and subtleties. I’m trying to figure out how this works so that I can apply it to my own application (which isn’t a game but that’s beside the point.)
On re-watching this, it appears that you get that material editor/BP-looking GUI with a material but not a material instance. This is a subtle distinction because they both have green lines along the bottom of their icons. I thought a material instance was just a child of a parent material and that the point of inheritance was that you can edit children instances so that you could have multiple siblings that are configured differently. Is that not the case? Is this saying that if you want different characteristics for the same material that you need to copy it instead of creating a material instance of it?

They share common UI elements but they aren’t the same “thing”.

No, that’s right. Did you read the documentation on it?

Not sure I 100% understand the question so I’ll just say that with a material instance you can only modify the parameters that exist on the parent material.

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