How do you determine what size to slice a sprite?

For example this sprite:

When attempting to slice the spritesheet automatically or “Grid by cell size”, I did not know if I should slice the spritesheet by 16x16, 32x32, or 64x64. Is there a convenient or more efficient way to determine how to slice a spritesheet? Especially if the spritesheet was just downloaded as an asset?

Currently I try trial and error and just look in the comments of where I downloaded the sprite to determine how to slice the sprite sheet. There has to be a better way than this :sweat_smile:

Usually, you’d know what size you made the sprites so you use that. Other times - when you didn’t make your own sheet and it’s nicely packed - you can count the sprites in a row/column and divide the width/height by that number, eg. 10 sprites in a row on a sheet that’s 160px wide will be 16px for the width. Do the same for the height by counting the rows. For the sheet in your screenshot, you’d have to trial-and-error until you find what works. Those look like they could be 96x96.

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Hey @bixarrio thank you so much for replying!
Curious how do you find out the width of a sheet? In your example you mention you can count the sprites in a row – I get that, however how did you determine the pixel width of a sheet? Trying to understand how you got 160px?

It’s the dimensions of the image. If you’re on windows, go to the properties and choose the details tab

It’s right there; width x height. Can’t tell you how to get there on mac, sorry

Just wanted to add that sometimes there are sprite sheets that do not fit any particular ratio, when that occurs there are two options; 1) cut each sprite manually, which can take a lot of time to do properly, or 2) edit the sprite sheet using an image editor software. I highly recommend Piskel because it is free and very easy to use.

My suggestion would be to look into either libresprite or aseprite. Either program has good documentation and they are made for doing exactly what you are trying to do. May I also recommend the courses like Complete Pixel Game Art Bundle |

They helped me a lot.


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