How do I revert back to a previous position after accidently moving the wrong GameObject

After putting several timeline points in place, I accidentally moved the player ship instead of the camera. I pressed Ctrl z, but the ship did not reset back. I pressed Ctrl z again, and again - ship did not reset. I have several questions now:

  1. If the ship did not reset back, then what did Ctrl z change?
  2. Does Ctrl z change things beyond the latest save?
  3. If I shutdown for the day, and on the following day “accidently move my ship” as the first action and then press Ctrl - z, does this change things I did the previous day (or whenever was completed in the last Unity session)?
  4. Is there a way to return a game object to the last position if it was accidentally moved?

Just adding to this, I recently relocated the terrain (because the terrain GameObject was selected instead of the Player Main Camera). Again Crtl - z, did not have the required effect. The only way I could get back was to shutdown Unity, without saving, and thereby losing all the work I did on the timeline waypoints. Is there a way to reset Gameobjects to the previous position or is this something I just have to be more mindful about, and reload the last save (or version control) if I can’t get things back to the way they were before?

PS - Merry Christmas everyone

I am struggling with a similar problem, with adding or editing current key frames. I also try to apply a rotation to an object that did take…

Not sure why the time line is better then the way point system?

If it helps others here, I found that if you go into the animation window and locate the relevant entries, the should correspond to the timestamp of the key frame in the timeline window, you can delete the entries in error and they should disappear from the timeline.

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