How do I increase UE5 FPS

So I’ve recently started using UE5. And its just having 15-20 FPS. And when I used UE4, I used to have around 60-70 FPS. I tried googling and looking solutions on YouTube but it just made a minor difference. A YouTube video recommended to turn lumen off. Some told to do something with the shadows.

I even put my scalability to low, it didn’t work too.

I’ve something strange happening too. When my UE5 editor is in split screen mode, I get a decent FPS, but once they’re in full screen, the FPS drops.

When unreal’s in split screen(on high scalability)

When Unreal’s in full screen(on high scalability)

My PC specs(it’s a laptop)-

Processor: ryzen 5 3500u

GPU: Radeon Vega 8

512 GB sata SSD


I know that these specs aren’t so good, but please, try to help me. I’m having a bad time making games.

If it’s fixable, then please tell me, or else I’ll just switch back to UE4.


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With a laptop your options are limited. You can lower the render quality to medium. Turning off lumen via the project settings will also help.

I had a look at the laptop specs and it falls into the budget category - you really need a gaming laptop for this sort of thing and unfortunately, there’s no real upgrade options for a laptop.

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I know that I don’t have much options, but I can’t help that :frowning_face: :frowning_face:. I can’t do much as I’m a normal high school student. I lowered the scalability to low, but still it doesn’t give a good FPS. I turned lumen off but it still was low.

Yes, its a budget one. I hope I could’ve got a gaming one, but I can’t as I just told why.

If there’s something else that you ever find, please share it with me(whatever it is). At this point, I’m ready to try anything.

I wish I could offer you an alternative solution. UE5 just needs a good bit more power. Unless there’s specific features you need, stick with 4.27 until you you are able to get an upgrade/replacement.

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Ok, ig there aren’t much options left. I’ll just start with UE4 till I get a good PC.

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