Ok I got my computer sorted. For now at least.
Heres my component. Its very bare and only has two varables. Its used in my robot character. Thats it.
I have got my component to be read just fine by getting the player pawn and casting to the robot charater.
If I then try to use get pawn owner then it gives me errors.
Now heres the really weird thing. If I play the game in the editor like this.
My cast is successful because it doesn’t print fail.
But if I look at the blueprint while playing it fails constantly no matter if I’m getting the player pawn or trying to get pawn owner.
I am really confused as to why this is. My game works fine without trying to get pawn owner but if I wanted to add AI than it wouldn’t work(and thats something I want to play around with).
Why is the game acting the way it is and how do I get “try get pawn owner” to access the components values successfully?