How do change my compiler to use command prompt in visual studio code?

Did you launch VS Code through the developer command prompt and does cl work?

yes and no.

Does it work outside of VS Code? If so could you make sure you have the C++ compiler installed?
Start Menu > Visual Studio Installer > Modify

ok it took a bit but ive got it installed. how do i check if it works outside of vs code? (im kinda new to this)
Also in vs code nothing has changed for the compiler.

Just open the developer command prompt and type cl and see if you get “not recognised command” or not.

yeah it says not a recognized command.

And you’re sure you’re opening the Developer Command Prompt and not the regular one? Just to be sure would you mind showing a screenshot?

That’s the normal one. Please search for “developer” in the start menu and you should see it

this one?


Ok what do i do now?

Type “code”.

ok it opened up vs code and “cl” works in the terminal.

is there anything else i may be missing?

No, what’s wrong?

nothing i just wanted to make sure i didn’t miss something.Thank you and have a great holiday.

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