How can I only export the NLA animations?

When exporting from blender I only want to export the NLA animations but I get the animations duplicated because I receive not just the NLA. Any ideas?

Hi Abraham,

In which course and lecture are you?

In this case I am talking about " Import Blender To Unity" from the course " Blender Character Creator v2.0 for Video Games Design Course". I discovered I can export NLA animations and I am asking how to exclusively export NLA animations because as you can see it exports everything, not just NLA.

@NP5 This one slipped through the cracks with the automated system being down.
Can you help this student please? :slight_smile:

Thanks in advance.

@Abraham_Perez My apologies that we have not answered your question in a timely manner as we are looking to find the questions that have slipped through the cracks whilst we fix the automated system

Don’t worry Marc, you’re very kind. Thanks

I think this link may deal with your issue.

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Thanks, I will try it!

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