How can I fix the movement on the FPCharacter Controller?

This FPCharacterController is horrible. It keeps moving even after a let go off the button, more than a second after I should say, and fiddling with it is a pain. (How can I fix the damn movement?). It doesn’t work within the set given to prototype. The RBFPCController can’t even use the stairs provided on the package.
I know that upgrading the course may be hardwork and quite time consuming, but given the importance of the course (I’d say pretty essential to the Unity path), at least a review on the parts using “deprecated” assets should be adressed. No course should be using anything deprecated.
There are better solutions, already in place to the developer.

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Hi Nev,

I’m sorry to read that you are experiencing issues with the FPC Controller. I’m wondering if the issue is really caused by this asset and not, maybe, by the ground. Unless you assigned a physic material to the ground and assigned the friction value, the ground behaves like ice. There is also “air friction” (drag) in the Rigidbody component, which you could increase to slow the player down faster.

Have you already tested that?

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