How are we supposed to read spoiler images of code?

This is more aimed at @Rob and co but how are we supposed to read spoiler(d) images? I had a search over in the lounge but it only turned up topics on text and clicking the image does nothing.

Hi Martyn,

Unfortunately, this is an example of a fun idea gone a bit wrong.

Ben suggested people post their solutions but then made their posts obvious that they may give too much away for those who hadn’t got that far in the course yet.

The text to image thing was meant to be a bit of fun, but its led to lots of images on the forum in which the text is not readable, thus making any mention of the world “spoiler” somewhat irrelevant.

I could go through and remove them all, the ones that aren’t readable at all, but this I think would spoil the fun a bit for those who had created them, plus there are now a lot and its not really a very valuable use of my time.

Unfortunately this will probably continue whilst the text to image website is available and until the reaches its end-of-life.

The forum does actually provide its own spoiler functionality, e.g;

Hello World!

[spoiler]Hello World! [/spoiler]

Hope this helps.

So is there no way for users to back work it so we can see the original post? If not that’s a bit annoying. Is the only way to avoid this by not putting spoiler in the title.

I appreciate that it’s not really productive to go in and change the ones that have already occurred but surely the functionality can be unhooked from the site? It makes posts like Rick’s rather pointless as nobody can read or learn from his code

Putting spoiler in the title has nothing to do with the issue, all of these images have been created using another website, they post their code, create an image, and then paste the image into their post.

If the image is too large the forum will restrict its size, but you can then click on it for a larger preview. If however, the image is too small, that’s down to the user who created the image/resized the image.

In fact, having just taken another look at this myself, it would seem that the image size is now also restricted to 400x400, I don’t think this was always the case. So, absolutely useless for a wall of text…

Adding spoiler to the topic title was just to give people a heads up that they may see something that they might not want to - that isn’t any kind of clever forum functionality :slight_smile:

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