How about we make spawn points relative to the location of the tile itself?

Hardwiring the coordinates is fine and all, but there is a little big problem here. If we are going to try spawning objects at those coords that we have just generated, then we are going to only spawn them in the very first tile, which is between (0,-2000,0) and (4000, 2000, 0) because we made it so that every single point is generated in those bounds regardless of where the tile was spawned in the first place. To fix this we need to get X and Y of the tiles and use them in Min and Max vectors. Long story short, here is how my PlaceActors method looks like:

In all honesty, it should have been done like this in the first place, since most of us are pretty adept at using the engine at this point, and especially at finding the object’s location.

I am sure that something like this will be done in future lectures, but I see no point in leaving something so small and yet significant like this out of this lecture.

Anyway, looking forward to moving along with the course. It was pretty informative thus far. Good job, squad!

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