Hovering Over Methods like GetName() Doesn't Pop Up Information

When I hover my mouse over GetOwner() or GetName() nothing pops up above the cursor, nor does the editor automatically complete the method when I type GetOwner . What should I do? The code works fine in UE4 when compiling and playing. When I select GetName(), right click and hit “Go to Definition”, it shows “No definition is found”.

What version of Unreal are you using and what are you getting in the problems window?

Thank you for replying!

I’m using Unreal 4.26 and visual studio code 1.59.1
When Mikey hovers his cursor over GetOwner() in VS code, function information pops up above the cursor and a list of other functions appears below the cursor

But when I hover my mouse over GetOwner(), nothing shows up.

You’ve got some red underlines. Did you do File > Refresh VS Code Project after you created the class?

Refreshing fixed it! Thank you for the help!!

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