Hostage situation (Text101)

This is my Text101 Prison game.

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I tried to do something a bit different and made a text conversation based role-playing game.

You play as the hostage negotiator and your job is to use the options provided save the lives of the hostages.

I had a lot of trouble getting it built on WebGL (Mainly because I had several versions of Unity on my computer (Both older and newer) so recreate the project and copy the assets over.

Hope you like it, would like some feedback :slight_smile:

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It was short, but definitely a good idea. Maybe read through the text again if you’d like to go further with this, it seemed like there were some words missing.

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I think I need to type it out in Word and go over it again. I’ll look at it down the track, put some music, sound effects and some images to go with it…once I learn how to :smiley:

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