Horrible Shadows

Hello everyone,

for some reason my scene doesn’t render properly.
There are very weird shadows, at first I thought it was due to the way I set up the lights but then I deleted all the lights and started from scratch and it happened even with a single light.
I attach a screenshot for you guys, I wonder if it could be an option in blender or a problem with my Computer: I am using a 3 years old MacBook Pro with an integrated Iris Card.

Thanks in advance,


This happens to me when I have multiple faces on the same spot. Usually because I’m not paying attention and have extruded one too many times. Have you tried removing doubles?

Thanks for the reply.

I have tried to remove the doubles, there were a few actually, but nothing improved.
I attached a picture to show you the scene after hiding the Sun and the Hemi light.
Now there is just a single spot light over the Chess Board.
I wonder if I need to update the driver of my Graphic Card…


And this is rendered with Cycles if it can be of any help.


Hello Mateo.
For me it looks like a problem with your geometry.
Did you try to (in “edit-mode”):

  1. recalc the normals
  2. or select the vertices of each square of your chess-table, delete the faces&edges only (press x) and then refill them by pressing f (as I said for each square seperately)*

*) I think it would be faster to rebuild this with a grid
IMPORTANT: of course save your project first :wink:

Hope that helps.


Hi Phrobion,

the normals where OK, in the end I decided to delete the old chessboard and create a new one from scratch and guess what? Now it works!
I wonder what it could have been 'tho …

Thank you all for your help!


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Hello Matteo.
If you are still wondering, I tried to reproduce you rendering.

Its not only double Vertices, it happens if you have double faces above (like @NixeKnox said).

In the Outliner, I see your chessboard was made out of a cube.
Did you just scale it to zero (in z-direction)?
This is what i get then and it looks quite like your rendering.
(I just got a few more subdivisions)

Its horrible cause you have to delete each face manually and refill it.
Sometimes a new build is faster (as in this case).

Nevermind & congrats


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Yes it was made up with a cube, I remember something went wrong when following that lesson and I wondered why we were supposed to use a cube instead of a plane (might have got it wrong). Now I have mede it with a plan and it’s brilliant and you can move the scene around much faster in rendering mode than before!


Deleting faces would have been the next thing I’d have suggested, that’s what I do when removing doubles doesn’t work. Starting over again works too though. :smile: Glad you found a solution.

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