Horny Rhino Beatle (No pun intended)

My first time playing around with the sculpting tools in Blender. Don’t want to spend time focusing on details and topology now. Looking forward to starting sculpting a human head in the next lecture!


great first try, well done. Tryy to paint it?

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Yeah, but I don’t know how to go about that yet. I only have the eyes as separate objects right now. My first thought was to select all the parts separately in edit mode with the circle select tool and assign materials. But that leaves jagged square edges of each part. I think we will learn how to paint our sculpts in the lectures to come. So I’ll come back and paint once I learn more. :slightly_smiling_face:

Thank you btw. And just because I want to start thinking about it, do you paint the sculpts with some sort of spray paint tools, or is it about fixing the topology and assigning materials with UV unwrapping? Because the eye on the back of the beatle I made with the sculpt tools, but if it was a separate object that I made from the metaballs in an earlier stage, it would be much easier to assign a material to it.

Nevermind, I found out about texture painting on YouTube. I’m sitll not there yet, but soon I’ll learn about that too. Still at the basics of sculpting

Great beetle.

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Thank you

cool xxx jess

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I had to come back and check this pic out again, really great work - well done you xxx jess

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Thank you!

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