Hollow bishop top even when recalculated normals

Hey everyone, I have an issue where I’ve recalculated the normals of the bishop after joining the objects and using the intersect (boolean) tool. However, my object seems to have a hollow inside at the top. How can I fix this? Thanks for your help.

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Yes looks like a hole. Somehow you have lost the faces in the slot.
Select the edges that should be a face and press F. to create on.
I would start wit the bottom of the slot should be an easy rectangle. then work up either side, with a crossing base edge and on on each side, then press F.
it might work just selecting the base single edge and pressing F, it could well work and run up the slot side.
First face made as described.

Other faces made by the single edge and FFFFF method. Worked easily for me.

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Hi! Thanks a ton. Works perfect.

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