Hitting Z twice does not scale locally

Hello, I’m following the Blender Character Creator v2.0 for Video Games Design Course, and am on the Mech Master Part 4 section. After rotating and scaling the cube he hits S to scale, and then Z twice to change scaling to local. This does not work for me, and I cannot find the answer no matter where I look. This is from blender 2.8, so I do not know if they changed something in the interim. any help would be much appreciated

If you have applied scales at some time that removes any local axis. As it is a rest to global.

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Thank you for replying, but how was it possible for the instructor to do it with no problems then? This was his process:

He created a cube, then rotated it. He then scaled it, and showed that it still had the local axis. then he hit S to scale, then Z twice, and he scaled it along the local axis. I’m really curious why I cannot replicate this, but I might have done something wrong somewhere, as it’s a part in a series, so my cube is mirrored. I feel like i’m grasping at straws here though, as I’m a beginner.

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I expect he was careful not to apply rotation and scale. It is one of those things, it is almost always a good idea to apply rot&sca, lots of things do not work correctly without. Certainly regular users may well have applied as a matter of habit.

It may not be that you did that, but it is the only thing I can think of right now that can have lost the local axis to use.

Try it out on a new cube object.

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Thank you, I just created a new cube object in a fresh blender project, and those steps worked out just fine, so I did something wrong with my blender file somewhere. Thank you so much for your reply!


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