Highlighted Spheres

Well, first I made some highlighted spheres as per the assignment…


…then I made myself a martini. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

I don’t use regular martini ingredients so it’s pretty much just blue Gatorade with an olive in it.

It’s my own recipe. :man_shrugging:

Stay hydrated!


:bat: :sandwich:

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I’m not trying to nitpick (It’s difficult enough), but the blue oval doesn’t seem to have the same ratio as the glass one. It is flatter?

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I didn’t pay any attention to the ratio. I just drew an oval and thought “Hmm…that’ll do for now…”

But you’re right, the ratios are probably off.

I actually reworked parts of this several times, like the shading at the top and bottom of the stem, and even coloring that particular oval two different colors and such, but I never actually went back to alter the size of the oval.

I would probably change the top oval, if anything. I’m not putting this in a game, so the idea was just to experiment. I would definitely do things somewhat differently if I were preparing it for a game.

Good eye though. I hadn’t thought about the ratios but it would have been an easy fix if I were thinking about it at the time. It is definitely something I’ll keep in mind for later.

Thank you for pointing that out! I can see at least 6 instances where I could have copied and scaled the oval to make everything look more proportionate.

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