Higher grid

Just a quick question. I finished the course. But I was thinking about the future haha. Would it be possible to add stairs and a next level for the grid? And how would you do this?



I am also interested in this a lot! I got the course in hopes it will cover it but i didn’t, which isn’t really a problem but I am very interested to know how to actually do it if possible?

Thank you


For multiple levels you would create a new Grid System at different heights
Then the simplest way to traverse them would be a simple ladder. Ladder would be simpler than stairs because it would have no horizontal upwards movement, you just join at the bottom and “exit” on a position in the higher grid.

Covering multiple elevations is one of the main things I’d like to cover in a future expansion. I’m currently super busy working on a really complex project but afterwards I’d like to work on this.


Haha, I know you’re busy. I’m a big fan of you’re tutorials. Glad to hear to you have plans to make expansions.
by the way…I wishlisted :wink:

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