So in Blender, depending on the accessories I have showing, my asset is only reading around 10k tris for my base mesh and then maxes out around 20k tris with all of my assets. It’s around 15k tris in this screen. This is also the exact model I exported as an fbx to unity. Without all of the assets in unity, the stats in unity are reading 88k tris right now. I’m not sure why this is. See screenshots.
Nice fighting pose … give him/her something to swing with.
Are you using the Limit to Selected Objects option? Seems like you have unapplied modifiers? By default fbx export applies the modifiers. Baking animations could also have an effect.
Good luck.
I’ll double check my fbx export for the selected objects or reexport and see if that fixes it. Thanks.
I’m building a staff in Zbrush
Does ZBrush make butlers? I could do with a gardener too!
Joke explaination
(non native English speakers explanation, ‘Staff’ can be a big stick often associated with a wizard these days, or be employees of a company or household)
Know nothing of Unity. My guess would be some modifier is in effect applied by export or the import to Unity. As that is in effect what modifiers do, act like mesh is there, that is not ‘real, fixed’ until applied.
All of the modifiers are applied. I’ll reexport this morning and give an update.
If you sculpt some, sure lol. I should make some minions for him now.
Literally opened this from the unity editor. This is frustrating. There’s nothing else that has polygons in the scene and displayed in 3D viewer.
Opened From top right corner of unity. Maybe a bug? Maybe It’s reading all of the imported armatures and applying them to the mesh multiple times and making multiples calls? No clue. I’ll keep looking into it. I also deleted two copied animations from the imported animations and it made no difference to the triangle count.
Finally Figured it out. It’s partially the shadows, though it doesn’t account for everything. So I guess my follow up question is why are my shadows creating so many extra triangles and how can I optimize them? There’s still about 15k extra tris with shadows basically off.
Maybe ask these Unity questions in the unity course?
There are a lot of students, like me who aren’t into game development.
And have no clue about Unity, Unreal questions.
Good idea. Thanks everyone for helping me out.
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