Hi why my BCGame.GetHiddenWordLength() is always 0

I followed the instruction on the video

but no matter how I change the hidden_word, it gives me back that the hidden word length is 0, which is weird

you might want to add a code snippit or anything that makes it possible for us understand your code.

Hi Daniel, thanks to your reply
I have already fix the problem by myself.

Hi, I’m having the same problem (GetHiddenWordLength always returns zero). I’m using XCode on OS X, and it also generates a warning:

Implicit conversion loses integer precision: ‘size_type’ (aka ‘unsigned long’) to ‘int32’ (aka ‘int’)

I’ve tried hardcoding a return value and that shows up in the intro correctly. I’ve also tried casting the length() result to int32:

return (int32) ( MyHiddenWord.length() );

The cast attempt above still returns zero.

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