Hi Guys. My 1st Attempt Terminal Hacker.. Feedback plz

Hi Guys n Gals,

This is my 1st post and my little contribution to the Terminal Hacker game.
My second location obviously influenced by the Wargames movie :wink: . Such a good film of its time.
Have a little fun.
Click here >Daz’s Terminal Hacker

Let me know if it’s ok or you found a bug or two.
All the best everyone. Happy Coding.
Cheers. Daz.

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Well done! I liked both your text and your ASCII art! Thanks for Sharing!

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Thanks for your input Morgaine.
I hope your enjoying the course !


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I was surprised that typing ‘joshua’ in menu didn’t do anything :slight_smile:

I was tempted to leave it in, (i did put it in and took it out lol) but hey ho, maybe next time. Thanks for testing it. :wink:

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