Here's my idea for some escape rooms

  • Room 1 is pretty easy. I forgot to note them on the drawing, but there will be some plaques with hints to the position the switches have to be in, think Skyrim-puzzles. :slight_smile:
  • Room 2 is just a pressure plate that can only be triggered by stacking the table, which is locked in place by immovable chairs that only turn. Need to come up with an idea on what player needs to do to remove chairs. Maybe solve a BullCow puzzle?
  • Room 3 will have a safe lock on the door, again with some cryptic plaques giving hints.
  • Room 4 is just random door, but will give the user a Monty Hall-problem. Fail and teleport to start. Succeed and WIN BIG PRIZES!!! :smile:

Maybe, we’ll see. Hopefully I can do some of it or some versions of it.

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The monty hall rng fail ending sounds awesome. I like my games to make the player feel like the game hates them so I might steal that

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Feel free to steal, and do it with pride! :smiley:

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Fair use says you can steal anything for “educational purposes” :wink:

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