Here's my go at the Animation Offset

Spent a while trying to find a ‘Branch’ (which outputs true or false) in the AnimGraph as the EventGraph can use them.

In the end I realised that both Blend Poses by bool didn’t require an AimCentre if I just plug in the condition into the other condition !!

I also thought the challenge needed the variable to be initialised and set, forgetting momentarily we have the Anim Preview Editor for that

Nice, I linked mine to a seperate variable, didn’t think about using pitch


@sampattuzzi I guess I overcomplicated mine, but it was an interesting exercise in logic lol though I missed one simplifaction because I had the inputs backward. But mine did work! I didn’t realize we could put the logic directly in the Anim Graph, that’s much more convenient.

@sampattuzzi I am using 4.16.3 and there seems to be some differences in behavior. When I first built this the NPC did not look at the character, it looked only at the next waypoint. When I removed the rotate toward waypoint from the patrol behavior tree it worked as expected. I would think that focus on would be an override of this, or perhaps it was at one time, and now that has changed? Not sure.

Could you share the behaviour tree you’re referencing?

@sampattuzzi it has been modified at this point but the patrol behavior tree still had the task for facing the next way point when I built that section. This seemed to override the focus on, but looking back at the part of the tutorial where we create the focus on task I couldn’t see anywhere that you removed that node, but later in the series when we simplifiy the patrol behavior tree I noticed it was not in your version. So maybe you removed it and I missed it.

@sampattuzzi here is the way it was (sort of) when it failed. It also had the pushups tasks in it at the time.

You could always download the project and see where it was added.

Here is mine! When aim angle from -90 t0 90, Character aim down to up!

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