Here is todays "weird thing" build

I am determined to make one every day for the next month.


YES, do that. It will help you leaning Blender tremendously.
If you need subjects, look at the Blender Collabs

Another fine monster tank.
but will they all be modular? :grin:

I was thinking about that. Hey, question… How do I group say, an arm and store it so I can use it in other projects. I saw somebody building something and they had this window that popped out the right side of the screen and it was filled with model thumbnails. He could then just drag one out and add it to whatever he was working on. Like… is this a plugin or something that comes standard in blender?

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Probably the asset browser. Part of Blender for a year or so now.
Must admit I have not used it yet. So not the best one to advise you on it. I am waiting on a new computer and plan to set that up in a somewhat more organised way and that will facilitate use of the asset browser, once I locate things in a new computer home.

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Yes, it 's the asset browser.
Based on your physical physical disk top project structure.

Have a project called “3D projects”
Within it, make your project folders.

Your assets lib points to the “3D projects” folder.
But, you need to add per project the model parts to this asset lib.

You can create other assets libs for other files too, like “3D Printer projects”, with subfolder for each printer project.

This to make the assets lib more compact and not too big (slow performance).

I’ve used it, but encountered problems.

  • I store my projects on my NAS disk (Network). The asset lib is then very very slow. Meaning, you need to store (asset) projects on your local disk for fast access.
  • If you add an object to the asset lib, but re-using it in different files (backup copies), then you’ll get multiple versions of the item in the asset lib. Which is I think a Blender bug.

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