See if you can beat all 8 levels with only the one ball!
See if you can beat all 8 levels with only the one ball!
Challenging! Well done for getting this far. What was the hardest part of making this?
I love the music. GFX is simple but pleasing.
Of course I’ve got into infinite loop on level 1, with ball jumping up and down near the right wall, but I have the same problem in my version. (I finished the lessons today so I didn’t share it yet, because I only have 3 levels, default bricks, random background photos and ugly sounds.)
I’m trying to work it out.
I see that your ball is flying pretty nicely. Mine sometimes flies up after hitting the wall. Even when I change the Y ‘tweak’ from 0-0.2 to -0.2-0. That’s the thing I have to fix also.
And the export with Unity 5.5 to WebGL don’t play the destroy brick sound. You don’t have it also, so I wonder if it’s just me, or You have it in Your game also, and have the same problem?
Hi Edi,
I am unsure of what you mean? I played my game and I hear the collision sounds on the bricks. It is low, but it is there.
I have to agree with @EDi about the brick sounds. Tried it from my speakers and my headphones and still don’t hear the brick sounds themselves. Unless you only have 1 standard sound for collision. If thats the case, I recomment a second sound for when bricks are hit/destroyed. Other than that, I like it. Absolutely love your title on the main menu screen. Great job
Hi Eric,
I think I understand now. I had no intention of making the hit sound different from the destroy sound. I felt it was fine using the same sounds for it all.
Thanks for the kind words!